Accompanying & Connecting Communities

Gaia works closely with Earth’s custodians – local, indigenous and traditional communities from around the world. Using participatory approaches such as community dialogues, learning exchanges and eco-cultural mapping, and working closely with partners, we facilitate processes that enable communities to strengthen and revive their knowledge, practices and governance systems, re-weaving the web of bio-cultural connections between youth and elders, women and men, people and place.

This approach enables communities to re-build their confidence after centuries of colonialism, oppression and ecological destruction, to secure land, food and water sovereignty and define their own path into the future. In our experience, communities who are rooted in their traditions and their land, have the answers to the problems they face. Our work together lays the foundations for communities to take practical steps to build their resilience in the face of challenges like climate change, pursue truly regenerative livelihoods and reject harmful industrial projects, like mining and other forms of landgrabbing.

We connect communities to local, regional and international networks and social movements to facilitate learning exchanges and solidarity that foment ‘bottom up’ change around our living planet. Read about some of their stories and our work in action below.

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Take a Leap with Us - Support our work with a donation

We live in a time of multiple, complex crises. There are no easy answers. Working to uphold the health and diversity of our living planet is always rewarding, but we think you’ll agree it can sometimes feel like swimming against the stream. And yet like salmon we leap, and more often than you might expect, we make it. We invite you to make the next leap with us by making a donation of any size. Thank you for your solidarity.

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